Empowering youth, Empowering Malaysia

We believe in everyone’s dreams, ambitions, and desire to create a brighter future and brighter nation.

Empowering youth, Empowering Malaysia

We believe in everyone’s dreams, ambitions, and desire to create a brighter future and brighter nation.

What is Empowering Youth Malaysia (EYM)

Main Initiator

Majlis Belia Malaysia

Main Initiator

ReSkills EdTech

Empowering Youth Malaysia is a visionary movement initiated by Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) and ReSkills EdTech, is dedicated to the comprehensive empowerment of Malaysian youth under the age of 30. With a fervent commitment to fostering holistic development, our movement is designed to equip young individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary for personal, educational, and professional growth.

What is Empowering Youth Malaysia (EYM)

Main Initiator

Majlis Belia Malaysia

Main Initiator

ReSkills EdTech

Empowering Youth Malaysia is a visionary movement initiated by Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) and ReSkills EdTech, is dedicated to the comprehensive empowerment of Malaysian youth under the age of 30. With a fervent commitment to fostering holistic development, our movement is designed to equip young individuals with the knowledge, skills, and support necessary for personal, educational, and professional growth.

Shaping The


We strive to create a dynamic and inclusive environment that nurtures holistic development, empowering a generation of confident, capable, and socially responsible leaders, positively shaping the destiny of Malaysia.


Championing the comprehensive empowerment of Malaysian youth under the age of 30.

Shaping The


We strive to create a dynamic and inclusive environment that nurtures holistic development, empowering a generation of confident, capable, and socially responsible leaders, positively shaping the destiny of Malaysia.


Championing the comprehensive empowerment of Malaysian youth under the age of 30.

EYM’s Objectives

Education and Skills Development

We provide accessible and high-quality educational resources to empower Young working professional with the knowledge and skills necessary for personal and professional growth.

Empowerment Through Technology

We provide a technology platform with a purpose to empower youth in Malaysia to thrive in the digital age.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

We foster an entrepreneurial spirit and innovative mindset among the youth, encouraging them to contribute to economic development and societal progress.

EYM’s Objectives

Education and Skills Development

We provide accessible and high-quality educational resources to empower Young working professional with the knowledge and skills necessary for personal and professional growth.

Empowerment Through Technology

We provide a technology platform with a purpose to empower youth in Malaysia to thrive in the digital age.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

We foster an entrepreneurial spirit and innovative mindset among the youth, encouraging them to contribute to economic development and societal progress.

Our Program

Career Development Courses

Leadership Program

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Soft Skills Training

Personal Branding & Networking

Public Speaking and Presentation Training

Career Exploration & Planning

Environmental & Social Responsibility Training

Innovation & Creativity Workshop

Program Component

Equitable Access to Education

Worldwide Recognised Certification

Community Engagement

Our Program

Career Development Courses

Leadership Program

Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Soft Skills Training

Personal Branding & Networking

Public Speaking and Presentation Training

Career Exploration & Planning

Innovation & Creativity Workshop

Program Component

Equitable Access to Education

Worldwide Recognised Certification

Community Engagement

Impact Of The Program

Comprehensive Learning Opportunities

Mentorship Guidance

Inclusivity & Diversity

We open the door to endless knowledge to every youth joined the program by offering a curated virtual hub of diverse courses and resources, tailored to empower individuals with a versatile and enriching educational experience.

We are connecting individuals with experienced mentors and industry leaders, transforming aspirations into tangible achievements through personalized guidance and valuable insights.

We want every youth to grow in a supportive environment where diverse voices thrive. Connect with like-minded individuals and be part of a rich tapestry of perspectives.

Impact of the Program

Comprehensive Learning Opportunities

We open the door to endless knowledge to every youth joined the program by offering a curated virtual hub of diverse courses and resources, tailored to empower individuals with a versatile and enriching educational experience.

Mentorship Guidance

We are connecting individuals with experienced mentors and industry leaders, transforming aspirations into tangible achievements through personalized guidance and valuable insights.

Inclusivity & Diversity

We want every youth to grow in a supportive environment where diverse voices thrive. Connect with like-minded individuals and be part of a rich tapestry of perspectives.

We Welcome You To Be Part Of Us

Youth as people aged between 15 and 30 years.

We Welcome You To Be Part Of Us

Youth as people aged between 15 and 30 years.